Wednesday, 12 December 2018

We're Feeling All Decorative

We're Feeling All Decorative

We haven't got the Christmas tree up yet, but in an unexpected development, Martin has provided the means to decorate it in a way we've never attempted before.

We've got a tiny Matt Smith and a TARDIS that he won't fit inside and these have been regular features on our tree in recent years.

Watching 'Bless Me, Father  : The Season Of Goodwill' the other day reminded us of how people used to make their own paper-chain decorations. These also crop up in the 'Steptoe And Son' 70s specials and I remember getting the glue out to stick loads of loops of coloured paper together. I always preferred using glue as licking the sticky bits was never really my scene...

But these cartoon depictions of certain members of the 'Round The Archives' team have been rendered with a useful hole (always the best sort) through which we can thread some glittery string and I could hardly miss the opportunity to print them out.

As Martin notes, we should really also print out the mirror image version of them to make them truly lifelike, though I might not do the really fiddly cutting round the edges stage, as I'm all fingers and thumbs at the best of times.

Given the globe-spanning nature of the 'RTA' audience (at least according to our figures!) it would be hilarious if someone else were to be mad enough to stick us up on their tree. So if anyone is feeling in a mad mood, please send us a photograph of the end result, as that would make us laugh like the proverbial idiots.


And even more unexpectedly, it's also suddenly given us an idea for a plotline for future episodes of Paul's 'Shy Life' podcast, though that might take a bit longer to do...

Creativity breeds creativity, clearly!

(Written by Andrew Trowbridge)

('Round The Archives' Christmas tree decorations by Martin Holmes)

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