Wednesday, 5 December 2018

K9 & Company

K9 & Company

'GLC FACED BY CHAOS AFTER FARES RULING' is apparently the talk of the town, at least according to Sarah's copy of 'The Guardian', which does seem to imply that Ken Livingstone exists in the 'Doctor Who' universe. Something he'd probably be quite pleased about, given his appearance on '30 Years In The TARDIS'.

This sort of daft detail would normally be covered by the Production Notes Department, but there's a lot to process in the opening few minutes of 'K9 & Company' and we're spoilt for detail as it is...

I make no secret of my love for this oddity and coming as it did between the 'Five Faces' repeat season and Part One of 'Castrovalva' this was a terribly exciting period all round.

There's some disappointment that 'Doctor Who' is not scheduled for Christmas Day 2018, but I associate 'A Girl's Best Friend' more with tinsel and baubles than I do even something like 'The Christmas Invasion'.

We've already said how we'll be covering the various 'Terry And June' Christmas Specials for Episode 30 and it was only when searching for the various bits of associated BBC continuity that I realised the 1981 visit to the Medfords was on the same evening as our trip to Moreton Harwood.

I remember bring frustrated when Sarah didn't immediately open the mysterious packing case, but once K9 is finally allowed out, it's a wonderfully touching moment as the memory of the Doctor is briefly evoked.

Yes, this is very silly in places and the fight scene at the end is a bit of an anti-climax, but the goodwill that's on display here papers over all the cracks for me. The repeat the following year only reinforced my appreciation of the production and I wish they'd be brave enough to slip it into the schedule again once in a while.

And K9 even gets to sing at the end!

Everything Christmassy should have at least a snatch of singing at some point...

(You have been warned!)

(Written by Andrew Trowbridge)

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