Thursday, 20 December 2018

Oh What A Tangled Web

Oh What A Tangled Web

The DVD packaging and menu insert a comma after the 'Oh', which looks neater, but on screen there's no such thing. It's the end of the season and the letraset punctuation has probably been all used up, anyway.

Captain Peacock has not been home all night and neither has Mr Rumbold's latest secretary, Miss Hazelwood. It not not take long for everyone to put two and two together, although Mr Grainger surprises everyone when he admits to having a more chequered past than one might expect.

Mrs Peacock is soon in the building and on the warpath, but with Mrs Slocombe having an interview in Mr Rumbold's office, her stated ambition to get out of Underwear causes more than a few crossed wires.

Mr Harman demonstrates his usual flexibility, showcasing some new wigs, updating Captain Peacock on the developing situation and assisting in the enquiry that follows. Plus showing off his skill with a blow-tickler.

Mr Grainger gets a cake on the head and currants in his ears, although they might be sultanas. It's a nice detail that the shoulders of his jacket are still covered in debris in the closing titles.

Actually this week's 'You Have Been Watching' caption is of note, resembling one of those school photos where everyone is arranged in rows and several people are usually captured pulling funny faces.

There are some intriguing old portraits and photos on the walls and it's not made clear whether they depict other members of the Grace family, or whether they're just generic ones picked up in a job lot once upon a time.

We'll just about be able to fit in 'The Father Christmas Affair' some 42 years after its first transmission, so stay tuned for our final visit to Grace Brothers this year.

Season Five wil start in January, but at least you'll get a week or two off to visit the sales!

Our video on 'Oh What A Tangled Web' can be seen here.

(Written by Andrew Trowbridge)

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