Friday, 16 March 2018

The Time Fiddler

The Time Fiddler

The Complete And Utter History Of Dr WHO? (Part Eighteen)

The final story of the Second Seasoning of 'Dr Whos' saw The doctor's Time and/or Space Conveyance come to rest on a beach where there were some pebbles which frankly was not much help. But then they found an abandoned Viking helmet which leads us onto a discussion about Historical Accuracies, I`m afraid.

During my numerous and extensive researches I have had cause to visit the York (or 'Jarvik' as it is more generally known) Viking Centre on at least two seperate occasions, although the second time the power went off and we could not go on the ride bit, so we went to the pub instead.

But on both visits a real and genuine Viking told us that generally his peoples do not display their horns in this fashion, reserving them only for special gala luncheons. What were also interesting is that the Vikings had definitely invented flushing toilets and modern porcelain which were a relief to all that visit this famed and noble institution.

But let us not get obsessed with helmets (with or without horns) for this story were an innovation in that we met a member of Doctors Whos own planet. This troublesome fellow were playing with History and was referred to by Dr Whoo as a Time Fiddler, which is not a good thing to be, apparently.

His plan were to alter the events of the Battle Of Hastenings so that Hamlet could be on television or something. Which if he had consulted the BBC Online Gnome service he could see had happened previous to this story being shown anyway! Which proves yet again how important it is to look things up before embarking on such an enterprise.

Dr Whosh went on holiday again in Episode Two ('The Fiddling Friar') but returned the next week, which were a bit of luck, really.

What were amusing were that the lady that played Her in 'The Gummy Cavemen' returned but The Doctoro did not seem to notice that it were her, despite having similar facial appearances, though she were in a slightly different costume which might have confused him.

By chance, the director 'Lugless' Camfled had once been at the seaside when there were a real Viking invasion, so had some 'stock footage' (as it is generally known by technical experts such as The Doctor Who Resuscitation Team) that could be seemly inserted into the episodes to lend an air of authenticity to the goings-on.

In the climatical final episode ('Check Your Mates') Dr Whoy pulled a string and made the Fiddling Friar's TARDIST go all small inside to teach him a lesson. Thus it were hard for the Friar to press all the right buttons in the right order and he would be generally inconvenienced.

And so ended 'Doctor Whos's secondary year on television - but big changes were looming on the Horizon which would be shakeing the series to its very cores!

Next Episode:

"What was it?"

(By Andrew Trowbridge)

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