Friday, 15 June 2018

"He didn't want to be Adric, he wanted to be a Fraggle..."

"He didn't want to be Adric, he wanted to be a Fraggle…"

Lisa works late on Thursdays, so I go and pick her up in the car. Therefore, I was all on my tod (even the cats were happier occupying themselves upstairs) when I dialled up 'The Sea Devils' Episode One, mainly to see what people would make of Malcolm Clarke's music.

What I wasn't expecting was to see the words 'Hello Lisa and Andrew if you're watching' scroll past in the chatroom. I thought I must have been mistaken as it zoomed off the top of the screen, but then it was repeated a short time later!

Now I know people have been saying hello to Frazer Hines and Katy Manning, which is fair enough, but to see your own name flash past in front of thousands of viewers was quite a weird experience.

We say a big thank-you in our latest video which may be seen just about here but it serves to illustrate the point Katy made a few days ago about 'Doctor Who' inspiring people to be part of a highly creative community.

One of the reasons we do all our nonsense is because the shows that we cover give us so much enjoyment that we want to share it with the wider world.

If we can amuse or inform people along the way then that's great, but we are always standing on the shoulders of the people who made the material in the first place.

One thing we have always tried to do is see things in as positive a light as possible. Personally, I wasn't in a hurry to watch 'Colony In Space' or 'The Mutants' but we're not going to record a piece slagging these stories off. Other fans might well be very fond of them and it's simply that these two aren't as much to my taste as the tales either side of them.

It's a shame 'Day Of The Daleks' didn't make it into the Twitch schedule as the Dalek voices might have led to some interesting reactions. We skip over it in our video but hope maybe one or two people will take a punt on the DVD.

And we did get to show off Martin's lovely 'Radio Times' cover which casts Lisa in the role of the Doctor. Although she first inhabited the part circa 1982, when she was accompanied by Nyssa, Tegan and a Fraggle…

But even the act of playing at 'Doctor Who' when you're little can lead to doing creative things when you're slightly older. And if our own stuff in any way encourages others to do something similar, then at least we've done something useful.

So hello Twitch chatroom, if you're reading this. We look forward to the stuff you'll be making in the future!

(By Andrew Trowbridge with thanks to Martin Holmes for the 'Radio Times' covers.)

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