Sunday, 19 August 2018

Jack's Back

Jack's Back

As Episode 25 of 'Round The Archives' has reached the editing stage, just needing a few bits and pieces recorded to complete it, our minds have turned to Episode 26.

As I mentioned in my article on June the 20th, we have covered the 1973 'Jack The Ripper' series for  Episode 25 and for Episode 26 we will be taking a look at the 1988 ITV series 'Jack The Ripper' starring Michael Caine as Inspector Frederick Abberline.

But it was another version of Abberline that originally inspired me to suggest a set of recurring articles on Jack and the fact that this year marks 130 years since the murders.

Back in May, Warren sent us a link to a 20 minute extract of Barry Foster as Inspector Abberline for the original version of 'Jack The Ripper'. It got cancelled when CBS got involved and wanted a bigger star and a more expensive production.

But the glimpse of Barry Foster giving a very different performance with an accent that wanders all over the place is fascinating and it set me wondering if we could get an article out of it and it sort of snowballed from there.

The extract also stars Brian Capron as Sergeant Godley, a part that would be taken by Lewis Collins in the finished product. But quite honestly I find Brian a better fit and would have quite liked to see him alongside Michael Caine.

So expect an article on both the televised version and the 20 or so minutes of Barry Foster that exist.
Interestingly. one or two actors did cross from one version of the production to the other, amongst them Ken Bones, George Sweeney and Edward Judd.

Now you would think that covering two versions of the Jack The Ripper story would be enough. but no! I suggested that we cover a couple of other versions as well, so in October we'll be taking a look at 'Whitechapel' from 2008. also made by ITV. And then just for fun we'll be taking a look at 'Star Trek: Wolf In The Fold' and various appearances or mentions in other series such as 'Goodnight Sweetheart' and even 'Doctor Who'.

Jolly Jack will certainly be keeping us busy over the next few months.

(Written by Lisa Parker)

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