Friday, 4 January 2019

American Reacts To 'Rentaghost'

American Reacts To 'Rentaghost'

The recent news that old 'Doctor Who' is returning to Twitch is, of course, very welcome and no doubt we'll dip in and out of the chat room from time to time.

Anything that gets people interested in old TV gets a thumbs-up from us and quite a few people have done reactions on YouTube to the black-and-white stuff in the last 12 months.

But some days we do feel it's a slight shame that 'Doctor Who' gets all the attention, with everything else left outside in the cold.

One of our reasons for doing 'Round The Archives' in the first place was to throw the spotlight onto other eqaully worthy series and we hope to cover a pretty wide range of subjects in 2019.

So it was with great pleasure that we stumbled across a certain video a while ago from the channel known only as taffe316.

Done for Hallowe'en, the host bravely subjects himself to the episode of 'Rentaghost'  from 15th May 1981 and in the process reminds those of us familiar with the set-up just how strange it must seem to a newcomer.

We are well into the Dobbin era now, and with his transformation into Super Horse to bring the Meeker's floating car back down to Earth there are some ambitious effects shots being attempted here.

Miss Popov is being used as a ping-pong ball and everyone gets turned into toys in a dolls' house. But it's being able to see all this daftness through fresh eyes that I really appreciated.

It's unlikely that Twitch will look too far beyond 'Doctor Who' in the near future, but the idea of a complete 'Rentaghost' run seems strangely appealing now I come to think about it!

The video 'American Reacts To Rentaghost' can be seen here.

(Written by Andrew Trowbridge)

1 comment:

  1. Mrs Peel, a complete boxset is required! Rentaghost makes The Goodies look like Panorama. :)


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