Sunday, 25 November 2018

The Day Of The Doctor

The Day Of The Doctor

To finish off our celebration of Doctor Who's 55th Anniversary we decided to watch and then do a video on 'The Day of The Doctor'; a story I really love and have done so since seeing it the first time.
It really feels like a modern update of 'The Three Doctors' which I'm not sure it would have done had Christopher Eccleston decided to take part.  Which of course I would have loved.

You wouldn't have had the difference in performance and age that you get between John Hurt's War Doctor and the more boyish Tenth and Eleventh Doctors.

The War Doctor really is a more traditional version of The Doctor, even though he doesn't label himself as such. He really could have stepped out of any era of the 1963 to 1989 run of 'Doctor Who'.
And I love his posh graveliness.

David Tennant steps back into the role of The Tenth Doctor as though he had not been away and he and The Eleventh Doctor have an amusing relationship, bickering like the Second and Third Doctors in 'The Three Doctors' and 'The Five Doctors'.

It's good to see Billie Piper again, though obviously not in the role of Rose Tyler but as the conscience of The Moment. Something that I didn't immediately pick up on until the line about the Moment being hot.

The opening scene is tremendous fun and the mention of getting Malcolm to change the ravens' batteries is a nice moment.

Interestingly there is no mention of England falling if the ravens leave the Tower until Victorian times, the earliest mention of ravens at the Tower being in 1883.

And I love how the story manages to include all of the previous Doctors (and one yet to come!) in the attempt to save Gallifrey. I cannot say how exciting it was to see Peter Capaldi's eyes at that point.
Then just as you think that the story cannot surprise you any more. we get Tom Baker as The Curator. Just to hear his voice made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

And all of the bits with Matt Smith are charmingly done and they make a great pair.

All in all 'The Day of the Doctor' is a great anniversary special and is one of the those stories that can be rewatched without it losing the power to entertain and move you.

Our video about 'The Day Of The Doctor' can be seen here.

(Written by Lisa Parker)

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