Monday, 12 November 2018

Demons Of The Punjab

Demons Of The Punjab

With six episodes of this new season of 'Doctor Who' now having been shown, it's interesting that our two favourite stories are the historical ones, with the TARDIS crew observing events in the manner of the Hartnell days.

If, by some miracle, large chunks of Season Three were to be recovered, one of the first stories we'd watch would be 'The Massacre' which is an unusually ambitious script, making little concession to what most viewers probably expected from a 'Doctor Who' story.

Vinay Patel's first script for 'Doctor Who' went down very well in our house and we're already looking forward to his next one.

It even got us indulging in a flight of fancy by imagining what a Hartnell historical written by Ted Willis would have been like. If you know his work on 'Sergeant Cork', you'll be familiar with his concern for social issues that were relevant both in Victorian times and today.

But, as Stephen Gallagher has said, social justice has always been of concern to writers of 'Doctor Who'. If bringing this approach into sharper focus has surprised people, then that's fine by us.

Our video about 'Demons Of The Punjab' can be seen here.

(Written by Andrew Trowbridge)


  1. I'd like to see the Doctor and friends walk alongside the Children's Crusade against Saladin at the time of the Holy Wars, and go to Hungary in 1610 and try and save some of the victims of Countess Elizabeth Bathory. Should they come across the Count St Germain in any or all of their travels? Might be interesting if they did...

  2. All interesting ideas, we don't know that much about those time periods.


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