Monday, 8 October 2018

The Woman Who Fell To Earth

The Woman Who Fell To Earth

As a fully paid up member of 'Doctor Who' fandom, I sat down to watch Jodie Whittaker's first episode with a mixture of excitement and nerves (though I wasn't as nervous as I had been the day that 'Rose' aired).

And I have to say that I really loved it.

It was a new fresh start and Jodie Whittaker was instantly the Doctor; she was funny and quirky without being too wacky. Unlike the man in the supermarket this morning who was singing 'The Wonderful Thing About Tiggers' to the Tiger bread. We hastened away giggling a little...

Anyway back to .Doctor Who'. The 18:9 cameras make it seem more like a film and made the opening scene look beautiful, if a little like 'Last Of The Summer Wine'. We almost expected to see three old men in a bath sail past.

Instead we see Ryan Sinclair (Tosin Cole) trying to master the art of riding a bcycle, aided by his nan Grace (Sharon D. Clarke)  and stepgrandad Graham who is played by the endlessly wonderful Bradley Walsh. I feel that Graham will become the everyman character that we can all identify with.

His perplexed reaction to the Doctor and then the others chasing after 'Tim Shaw' is wonderful and very real to life. After all. why would you want to get involved in this pontentially dangerous and very scary situation?

Yasmin 'Yas' Khan (Mandip Gill) is keen to get involved and to find her way in the world/universe.  It will be interesting to see how her character develops as time goes along and she thrown into many weird and wonderful adventures.

And the upcoming cast list at the end means that again someone who has interacted with a member of the 'Round The Archives' team is going to be in 'Doctor Who'. And no, I'm not telling you which actor it is.

You'll have to work that out for yourselves.

Our video about 'The Woman Who Fell To Earth' can be seen here.

(Written by Lisa Parker)

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